I'm not hearing what you other guys are hearing I guess. I thought probably the best sound I heard on the Pa1X was the Grand Piano. The other sounds sounded mediocre imo. The Sax didn't sound as realistic to me as the ones on my Tyros. The Accordian sounded unnatural. The harmonica didn't move me. The trumpet although it had Vibrato in the Voice; the actual Trumpet sound sounded a little unrealistic to me. (I'm talking about the Video presentation). I'm just now downloading the other separate mp3's. I will update you about those later this evening when I will have more time to listen to them. But as it stands the Video presentation didn't make me really go WOW!! or anything. Of course it's hard to really judge accurately over Real Audio or Windows Media streaming. The quality is less than desired as we all know. Maybe the separate Mp3 demos will sound a lot better, I dunno.

Best regards,