I live in New York. Closer to the Ohio/Pennsylvania side (about 7 hours from NYC). It is rural. The town I live in has about 200 people in it. I think they count the cows to up the population for tax purposes.

When I started taking piano lessons I asked my teacher to teach me what was on the radio. I noticed when I went to parties that very few people asked me to play "scales" or any classical music. He was very accomodating and provided me with the most popular songs of that time. It took me a while to read the music (long after I stopped taking lessons) but I was able to watch his hands and memorize the finger movements. I played for my HS stage band that way. I could also listen to songs and play them so that helped. My piano teacher concentrated mostly on music theory. How to play every song with I, IV, and V7 chords. Then how to change it so it was CEG became GCE and then pivot those and and and... until I could use a fake book really well. A really good skill to have I believe.

I like popular, show tunes, things most people can sing a long with, as well as modern songs and oldies (I have to be careful there the stuff they are calling oldies now on the radio I remember from high school so I think they just labeled it incorrectly )

I'm still learning a lot and try to work on new songs all the time. I think the new keyboard will help.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

- Brian