Thank you for helping me. It was great talking with you on the phone. It filled in part of the missing communication of only using text to communicate in this forum. I got the tracking numbers today. I was out all day but now I'm back (to read my 64 mail messages that suddenly arrived while I was out. Was that George playing the keyboard in the background?
Hope things worked out at the store.
I will let everyone know when it arrives. Thanks for your support. Looking forward to more interactions and dialogs here.

I would also like to echo George's thanks to the group for suggesting I contact him. I was actually planning on it from reading through several hundred message over the last 2 months before I posted anything. I really enjoy seeing the support and friendship on this group.

I was already on the main group for the PSR2000 and last night after you suggested it I joined the other 2 groups. Probably why my mail box suddenly is filling up Thanks.

I feel like writing a song about this BBS... Oh... The Synth Zone guys are the best around, (sung to the tune of camptown races?) doo dah. I'll have to wait for the keyboard arrives.

Its like the old joke:
Son: Dad I'd like to be a musician when I grow up.
Dad: Sorry Son, you can't have both.

Have a great day
- Brian