I got one for you Fran. Kenneth Rundt's Synthfont. It's freeware. I had downloaded this quite a while back but never really tried it. It's available here:
http://www.synthfont.com/ I just dl'd the updated version, set it up, made SGM180 the default Soundfont, and voila, it works like a charm, took less than 5 minutes to get it up and running after downloading. It plays my midifiles from within the program and allows me to load any soundfont I want, or any combination of soundfonts or vsti's. So if you wanted, you could assign B4 for an organ part, SGM180 for the rythym parts, and another Vsti, such as Plugsound's Fretted for the guitars, and then save this as an arrangement so it can be opened the same way next time. I think there is a vst version as well that will allow synthfont to open from within a host sequencer.
Kenneth also provides a free software named "Viena", which is very much like the Vienna soundfont editor made available by creative for their Soundblaster sf compatible cards. The main difference is that you don't need a SB card to use Kenneth's version.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 04-25-2006).]