Originally posted by Frank L. Rosenthal:
Fran, Bandstand is not ready for general live performances given it takes to long to load the instruments. This causes significant problems when there are changes in instruments in the middle of a style or midi file. The SGM180 would be a better choice until NI comes up with a smaller wavetable for Bandstand. For lead instruments there are better quality wavetables, e.g., Colossus, GPO, JABB, etc.

I think that they should just like Kontakt and gigasampler make Bandstand samples play directly from disk. and so illiminating load times. Next to that Most vst's are only suited for studio and home use because of loading times.

But there is a workaround for this problem Fran, if a midi track has instrument changes, set this part of your track as a different new track, most sequencershave more then 16 tracks, adn GM is still only 16 tracks.

This will be a problem though if you use OMB styles that have midi instrument changes. Maybe you can make the style change output channel instead of instrument, I am just a starter with OMB though.

[This message has been edited by Bachus (edited 04-25-2006).]
Yamaha Genos, Roland Jupiter 80, Ipad pro.
