Fran I assume you don't need a copy of LiveSynth Pro. If you do let me know and I will send you a copy.

Bernie9, I have both Garritan GPO and J&BB and the sounds are larger in size and higher quality sounds as compared with Bandstand. As a result they would not be suitable for quick loads into styles or midi files. The instruments are very good for use for lead or melody parts. I setup 8 or so instruments on 8 separate channels and call them up instantly by changing channels. I set these instruments by the genre of music I wish to play, e.g., Jazz, country, etc. The loading of 8 large instruments on my fast computer is about 30 seconds. So for lead instruments it is a piece of it sounds so good!!!

In kontakt you can setup a multi with program numbers. Once you load this multi you can send it program changes to change the instruments instantly. You would need to know in advance which instruments you will need to include in the multi. The more you include the longer the initial load times. This is not a bad alternative to consider.

[This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 04-27-2006).]