Wow! I listened to some of those demos. All I can say is stunning

I still say this type of keyboard is going to only gain in popularity.
I wouldn't be surprised that down the road, Yammie starts doing this (open source) set up. The possibilities are endless.
Actually strike that..., I take that back--I can't see Yammie doing this. I honestly can't see Yammie creating a keyboard that allows the user the flexibility of the Mediastation....
Something like that would (in my opinion) hurt their sales

With something like the Mediastation you upgrade the boards "software-and hardware"--allowing you to keep the same board.
Yammie (and others) rely on "upgrading the whole board". They give you tid bits on the upgrades--but never all the things you want because if they did--you wouldn't buy the next model

I know that's just business.., I won't argue that. I guess that's why I like the Mediastation. You keep the same board, and updates are easier on the pocket because you don't have to buy the whole keyboard for the upgrade. Woldn't it be great to have a T2, and when Yammie releases the T3 you'd be able to keep your T2 and add the sounds of the T3 via expansion, and so on?
The price Dom will sell you a Mediastaion will shock you. (He quoted me a price less the the T2, and considerably less than the current online prices).
I gotta start shmoozing the wife here. That Mediastation is my cup of tea. Any pointers on how I should start my shmoozing???? Gotta plan my approach here

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 06-30-2006).]