Hi All
Operating systems constantly develop over time just as the Lionstracs system will, and being software based they will be able to add features that the customer wants more quickly.
As for needing further development, then consider this, should Microsoft have stuck with Windows 3.1, or a Mac with version 1 software, just because it didn’t do everything that everybody wanted, and then wait until Nirvana (Which can never be achieved) was achieved before releasing the next version?
BTW. With the Wersi OAS system all voices (No maters what instrument or sample they come from) are treated as just another voice. (With VSTs once you have loaded them in, you do not need to access them unless you wish to edit the sound, you just select what voice you require from a menu of available voices (As all arranger keyboards do) and then map it to a voice button.
Also please remember that the more memory you have the more voices can be loaded in to Ram at start-up. (This is the way a Wersi works and it can currently be expanded up to 4GB, Most Giga sample (And similar) VSTs require just 1GB of free Ram to work correctly)
Another point, please remember that Wersi have been making Organs/Arrangers since 1969, (Other manufactures have also had a long timeline) and so have a great knowledge of what people want, were as Lionstracs is quite young and still learning.
Hope the above addresses a few points, and also gives Domenik some ideas of how to further improve his instrument.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).