I am one of the minority..I like speakers on the floor..I have better control of bass..Put on poles and good luck trying to get a decent bass response..

I don't have the problem Diki mentioned with people cutting off the sound..When I need to have coverage in a crowded room and have to reach the back of the room..I tilt my Rolands[pop off rear wheels]..and it covers any room..

Zuki's question was using a floor monitor as a PA..First the K4 is excellent as a monitor[really a keyboard amp]..it is a wedge design as well as straight up or on end..Anyway you need it..it fulfills..

A trick I have used for years [with my Roland amps]I turn them around towards me..the sound reflects off the wall behind me..It is unbelievable how well this gives coverage..

In fact the room I am playing now...we use a 100 watt Peavey monitor facing us[wedge]..the sound covers the whole room[large room]...so much that the room is a problem, because they want it quiet for the dinning customers...The latter sets we switch to the out front Yorkvilles [on poles], and the needed Yorkville sub woofer...