Has anyone of you that pooh-pooh the buttons on a Nord ever actually PLAYED one on a gig?
You would be surprised at how fast you get used to them... One form of control is as intrinsically as good as any other, as long as you can get the same results. XK-1, the drawbars are in the wrong place... but who is bitching about that??
Given how many of us are prepared to play on utterly terrible key-beds, for the sake of convenience, light weight, or just HAVE to play a Yamaha for it's features:), I don't think this is the right place to criticize such an amazing sounding, DUAL MANUAL, 33 lb. screaming monster of a Hammond clone because all it has got is buttons! For me, a terrible crappy action has FAR more effect on the way I play than the choice between buttons or drawbars.
But you are only going to find this out by playing one in the heat of battle... A few minutes scratching your heads on a showroom floor and going 'where's the drawbars?' and leaving it at that is not going to let you know if you COULD learn the buttons as effectively as a B3, and you will miss the whole point...
DUAL MANUALS... 33 lb. Real Leslie outputs (can't do that on a G70!), screaming sound... Great Price (single manual XK-3 is more expensive!)
But no drawbars... What's important to YOU?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!