Originally posted by cgiles:
Tony, I thought I explained my comments about Bruce in my response to Steve. Maybe you missed it. Anyway, I appreciate your efforts on Fran's behalf to again try to bait me into posting. Not only won't I do it, but I'm getting a little tired of being on the receiving end of what appears to be a growing gangbang. Just remember who started this thread and why.

If you want me to apologize for disagreeing with you about Bruce's talent (based on the video), then fine, sorry. But then again, YOU probably don't like Jimmy Smith, Jack McDuff, Groove Holmes, Jimmy McGriff, Don Patterson, Johnny "Hammond" Smith, Charlie Earland, and the many other great and near-great organ players out of the Philly area that I grew up with and was influenced by. As I see it, if you don't like the (admittedly retro) style of organ playing represented by these guys (but like Bruce Katz), it's a pretty safe bet that you're not going to like me either.

Why don't we just agree that I'm a lousy musician and a lousy player and let it go at that. At least then I'll be able to speak with the same authority as my peers.


chas ... First of all. I DID see your reply to Steve's post ...
The purpose of MY post was to explain that I was not commenting on the video, but on Katz' LIVE performances that I have seen ...

Secondly, I am not trying to bait, beg, or "gangbang" you or anyome else into posting their music ... NO ONE has to PROVE anything to me or anyone else on this board as far as their playing abilities ... Would I like to hear you play? - YES - but NOT because I think you can't, but because I BELIEVE you CAN !!!

Thirdly, please don't try to get into my head to figure out what music I like or don't like ... I have a wide range of music I listen to ... My Mom, (may she rest in peace), was an AVID lover of many types of music, and I was brought up listening to every thing from Italian classics, to country, to classical, to pop, to jazz ... And there is a very well played Jimmy Smith CD in my truck right now ... in fact one of my memorable nights of music was sitting in a Chicago hotel listening to the Jimmy Smith Trio ...

And as far as you being a lousy musician, while I seriously doubt I would ever be able to say that, it's a decision that will have to wait until I visit Atlanta ...

No apology necessary or expected, but you've got me all wrong on this issue ...


[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 01-30-2008).]
t. cool