Hi Zuki,
what are the major glitches with the fills?
ie you just don't think they match, or is it because when you hit them, they start
at an odd spot & appear to glitch??
Also noticed when that happens sometimes the fill seems to sound a bit loud. Can be remidied easy enough, unless it's something else you're refferring to..
Are you actually missing a lot of your psr simpler styles??
I actually ended up cutting one of the styles down from the original 8 or 16 bars down to 4.
The variations worked perfectly for the first 4 bars ( I think it was the Bequine style), by the time it got to the 8th bar it no longer suited, so I just chopped off the last few bars.
Eventually I went a bit overboard & replaced the guitar , bass, & Intro/Ending 1
I just can't leave well enough alone haahaa.
Don't forget if you're looking for additional [url=styleshttp://www.createsongstyles.com/forum/index.php?board=5.0][url=styleshttp://www.createsongstyles.com/forum/index.php?board=5.0][url=styleshttp://www.createsongstyles.com/forum/index.php?board=5.0]styleshttp://www.createsongstyles.com/forum/index.php?board=5.0[/url][/url][/url]
and also the korg site.
best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by zuki:
[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 02-06-2008).]
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022