Hi Graham,

I had a look. I can't find a way of saving the required setting for Songbook.

Looks like it's something one has to remember to turn on or off manually.

Also noticed if the button is flashing & you use the songbook, if for instance your choice is variation 3, sts3 automatically pops up, wheras if you choose variation 3 & the button is not flashing, it defaults to the sounds on sts1 even though it's variation 3.

So be careful.

The only thing that springs to mind would be to create a modified style for the ones where you only want to use 2 variations & need 4 sts's.
Just say you only use variation 1 & 2. Variation 1 & 2 could be copied over the top of variation 3 & 4. So you'd end up with V1, V2, V1,V2 or V1 V1, V2 V2, whatevever suits the song & you alter your STS's to suit. This way you wouldn't need to keep switching the button on & off.
May sound a bit overboard, but if it's only for a few styles, wouldn't be hard to do.

It's a case of using the style copy function & would only take a matter of minutes for each style & it's fairly simple.
My 2 speedy digits can copy all the style parts from one style to a new style in 2 minutes flat, now that the procedure is ingrained in the brain. haahaa

It's a bit late for this Sunday,( it's Saturday night here) but if you like I could modify a few for you next week, to see if it would work, & give you detailed instructions on how to do it yourself if you need more done down the track..

You're still basically using the original style , but with duplicated variations.
So you'd still have your original, and a modified user style.

Meanwhile would writing a note on your sheet music if you use it, or just a little note paper, with turn on or off for the songs help. Just to get you thru tomorrow till you can sort out what you want to do.

best wishes

maybe we've missed something & someone will pop up with an easier solution.
Originally posted by PraiseTheLord:
Steve explained my problem well. I have noticed that on some songs I only like 2 of the variations but want 4 variations of sounds, so linking them by pressing Single Touch until it flashes does not help me. In this case I would like the songbook setting to choose Single Touch On.

On Sunday I have a total of 12 songs, some with styles, some just sounds (you guessed it - organ) some where I would like to link the variations and STS settings, some not. So it would be great if Songbook remembered it all for me.

I know, I must be crazy using the Pa2X so soon after receiving it, but it has really pushed me to learn. I am trusting to God's help and experience to take me through the unexpected issues that occur during the service.

best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022