Here's what confuses me...
No arranger I have EVER played has ever had a problem with WHEN I hit the fill button. In fact, the whole POINT of a Fill button is to be able to trigger it whenever you want... Need a full, bar long transition, hit it on the 'one'. Need a short pickup? Hit it on the 'three'. Need something in the middle? You get the point.
I am amazed that this doesn't drive you CRAZY, having to remember, in the heat of battle, that a particular fill, for a particular style, MUST be hit accurately on a particular beat. This is not the essence of arranger usage, IMO. It's bad enough I have to remember to hit an Ending in the bar BEFORE I need it (wish they would just jump in like Fills), but this loss of spontaneity for such an important feature you use on every song you play would drive me insane.
This, and the only two or three fills per style are deal-breakers for me. I see no point in going back to a system that has been superseded on most other arrangers for ten years or more...
Sad, as there is much to like about the new Korg's, but the lack of any improvement on this issue after all their competition has left them in the dust makes me wonder where their head is. Dual MP3 players, no problem. Smooth fills, not so... I don't want a karaoke machine... I want an ARRANGER.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!