Activity Director is to bar / club owner as residents are to bar/club customers.
Sometimes the AD doesn't care for the act themselves, but if the residents really like them, then they're kept on.
Generally, the residents come first. I told the AD that her loyalties are to her residents and her employer, not the entertainer. If she's not willing to step up and be an advocate for her residents, then who will?
Addressing the specific question of "If the residents are happy, isn't that the bottom line?"
Yes and no...
When an entertainer is hired to provide a specific service, the issue of whether its live or a recording is strongly implied, to say the least, during the initial sales call/approach/etc. If the client is paying for what they think is live entertainment, then they get a lipsyncer, its fraud, IMO. What's to suggest that the voice they hear coming out of the PA is even the guy with the mic in the room? Maybe he's just a pretty face?
It has do with respect for your client, audience and IMO, yourself. Now, I have no issues with a act who are up front, hey this is what we do...Caveat emptor, baby. But, if this isn't communicated up front...and the ages, alertness and memory challenges of this population are being exploited, then its beyond belief unprofessional.
Its my biggest gripe about this type of entertaiment. I hear stories after stories about entertainers who aren't what they allege they are. This same AD told me of a guy (who I know and have used as a sideman on occassion,) who sent in this marvelous demo. Well, she hires him for 3 jobs based on that and discovers his live act doesn't come close to what she heard on the demo. He has one more chance to make a good impression. He hasn't asked for feedback and has mostly ignored her suggestions.
I think AD's should set a higher standard for entertainers. There's usually at least one activites staff person in the room during the gig. Have them track the requests or the number of times the entertainer actually interacts with the audience. There's no damn good reason why guys like us can't learn a standard request in time for our next time there. NONE...We can turn a new tune around much faster than a band can, for example.
This is not rocket science, right?
Bill in Dayton
[This message has been edited by Bill in Dayton (edited 08-16-2008).]
Bill in Dayton