BTW, Dom, if you are trolling this thread....

I've got a sneaking suspicion your arranger COULD sound this good. It's got the technology. But these Audya demos kick major ass, and yours are, well, you know what we think of most of those

Ketron are spending the money on getting high quality, professional demos, high quality professional styles and loops, and I honestly think they are going to sell very well, at least in comparison to the MS for that very reason. NOT because technically it's any better than the MS. In fact, without VSTi capability, it ISN'T...

But it SOUNDS better on those demos, and that is where most are going to get their conclusions from, and make their buying decisions. Perhaps NOW is the time to take a break from never-ending OS upgrades, and finally concentrate on this, I think what most of us here would consider the MOST important aspect of an arranger (or at least the most important consideration while we are shopping around)...

The CONTENT, and the demos...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!