Originally posted by Dnj:
Most of what your hearing are "GROOVES" that are pre-recorded add-ons like the SD5 uses verses just a style alone...so essentially your playing along with an mp3 riff. Now how many grooved per style are there or is there only one if so wont that be very repetitive sounding if you use them .
Dependent upon how Ketron has the files structured and the software used it is possible to tag sections of each audio file, have them repeat, change pitch, tempo, EQ, envelope, filter, etc. This means you could take a short audio file and have it play back in numerous ways making it not seem like one audio file. The Audya timestretch demo wasn't anywhere near the quality of my Fairlight but at least the capability is in the Ketron. If Ketron's software is top notch and they include lots of high quality grooves (audio files), the possibilities will abound. So far it sounds like they are definitely on the right path.