After sale style development is going to depend a lot on how many of these they sell, or (as I said earlier) if Ketron develop a down market model that uses the same technology, which would increse the potential market for them.

They are expensive to produce, I would imagine, compared to one guy with a MIDI arranger and a lot of talent (or the mythic TEAM of MIDI players we are told about - but oh so mysteriously, never introduced to ). Without a LOT in the market place, they are going to have to be quite expensive, I would imagine.

You know the one thing that is probably going to decide it, for me? Whether the sampler loads at close to computer speeds, and whether it will accept standard Akai format sample disks. Get that one thing right, and this could be a serious contender, albeit at the very upper price range. Anything not covered well in the sound ROM could be added... but it HAS to be quickly.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!