As a music producer and sound engineer, you probably have someone to carry your gear, if it ever needs moving. When you move it once or twice every day, as many of us do and when you perhaps get a little older, you might better appreciate the difference that lighter weight can make.
Nothing makes a person feel better than someone berating his new gear, calling it a toy, comparing it to a donkey, or saying it's wimpy and non-dynamic.
Are we losing all respect for one another, and each other's choice of arrangers?
Does anyone else wonder why we have lost so many knowledgeable well-spoken members and that almost every thread is dominated by the same sarcastic, caustic, even destructive few?
O.K. go ahead and tell me how everyone is open to criticism and we shouldn't post if we don't want your honest opinions.
But first, ask yourself if you would talk to your mother or father that way.
Never mind, you probably would.
Welcome back Sunny.