Guess it depends on whether the recipient had posted racist remarks or not...

But, good Lord! What a storm in a teacup! Take a look at my original post. Then look at the replies. If you see a similar language and intent between the two, you a far more sensitive person than me...
Look, here's the difference (can't believe I have to spell it out)... Maybe, just maybe, I might THINK that a member IS an ass. Good taste, or maybe just education, allow me to express some of that without actually using the word. But even that is rare. I tend to try and poke a little fun, or express my disdain for the IDEA the member expresses. Something it seems that eludes some of the members here. And yet, they do it themselves daily. Everyone is free to disagree with my opinions. Heck, it's almost a sport!
But if you can't make that distinction between disagreeing with my message, and refuting that, and simply insulting me personally with little connection with the post, you have some growing up to do...
Let's try this out. As soon as I call another member here an 'egotistical ass' or any of the extremely personal epithets that have been bandied around from time to time (trash talk is the last refuge of the ignorant), you are all free to pile on with whatever you can come up with. Until then, how about keeping it at (or above!) the level of tone I use?
Too difficult?