Originally posted by Diki:
First things first... I play live as much as I do studio work. And down here in my little market, there is no such thing as cartage! I move my G70 myself, or often with the help of my guitarist. But a nice foldable dolly, and good leverage technique (and the newer handicapped access laws!) mean that I rarely EVER have to dead lift the entire thing. Roll in, roll out. I'm in my fifties, but lifting 45 lbs. onto a stand is no real task... I'm sure you don't leave your grandkids on the ground just because they are that heavy (do you tell them at five that they are too heavy for you?)... 
Life, they say, is all about finding the right compromise. Given a choice between sound, playability (everyone knows how critical a 76 is to my style), and weight, I know the only one I am prepared to make a compromise about 
Until Yamaha make a PSR with 76, at ANY weight, I have to pass. Until Yamaha make a PSR with a piano in it with more body, dynamics and no phase issues, I have to pass. Until Yamaha make a PSR that sounds like a live band, rather than a CD, I have to pass...
But if they make one of those at 40 lbs.+, I won't rule it out based on the weight... Does that make me more or LESS biased? 
Makes perfect sense to me! There are compromises in whatever we choose, so I guess it depends on what area we are willing to "give" a little.
I don't mind the piano--in fact I like it--but then I'm not a piano player at heart. It projects through the mix. I actually love the extremely light touch, and don't even object to calling it flimsy.
And, I've raised the biggest fuss about the drums and bass being less than spectacular.
My grandkids are three and one, and another minus 7 months, so I can still pick 'em up.
When they get bigger they can left me up!
I toted the G70 around last year for several months. Had I known I would be in one place almost all the time, I might still be playing one, at least til the Auyda gets here.
