Originally posted by jwyvern:
Diki & Bernie,
Well, thanks for your comments. I wasn't expecting such a good report from real trombonists.

and Scott:

I'd probably only played with the trombone for about half an hour before someone asked for a demo, so with a bit more exploration and practice there's no doubt more to find. There are no instructions that I have found from Yamaha so as usual you're left to find out for yourself.
Many of the Sweet/Live/Cool voices on Ty3 are improved on Ty3, and the Cornet sounds to me at least as good. Or you could choose the SA2 Classical Trumpet which sounds similar.
If you want to change the LH voice to and fro quickly it will be a challenge trying to get it done by hand via registrations.
I don't know who Yamaha consult when they want to make fundamental changes. But moving Registration buttons out to the right (and incidentally forcing Voice Effects out even further) just to give prime position to a feature of questionnable use was a wrong move IMO.
I've started experimenting with custom voices for the Left where say a SaxSection provides the normal accomp. where extra emphasis, stabs and crescendo can be brought in via higher velocity.

The style used in the demo was Dreamy Ballad, speeded up from 63 to 85 Tempo and with the guitar part tweaked up to a level where you could actually hear it.


I get a problem loading page error when I go to hear your solo at http://www.box.net/shared/3e3b5e0q3a. I'd love to hear it.
