Hi jwyvern

Actually with the reg mem buttons, I use my left hand quite often to quickly change between buttons 5 - 8, which are my different horn sections for right hand sounds, ranging from sax harmony, sax unison, trombone section harmony to trumpet harmony. I trigger the chord and continue playing with my right hand as my left hand changes those right hand settings. It is fun to do, just like an actual big band.

But, anyway, how on earth can I do that with a T3? I thought perhaps I could change my reg's 5 - 8 with 1 - 4, but don't know if that will help.

Yamaha, PLEASE put the reg mem buttons back under the screen where they belong so everyone at all levels can do what they want to in the EASIEST manner.

As for the drawbars, I don't know, I haven't tried them yet. On the Tyros 4 I recommend putting them to the left like I've seen other companies do. But I think they are not really needed. I bet a poll would clear up that idea real quick.

I'd say 76 note keyboard over drawbars would win any polls on the subject.
