Firstly thank you for your reply and secondly I do not think anybody here is demanding AJ's help we are simply asking a man who has product knowledge for his assistance of which we are grateful.

Having said that AJ I have already selected the features that I need to save by selecting on or off in the registration menu but it still does not save the pianist / octave/ etc.

One thing confuses me .... you say arranger mode must be turned on. I have scoured the keyboard and the manual and can not find an option to turn it on or off. The arranger mode button on the keyboard just gives a two page menu of preferences and the arranger pages 1 to 4 in the registration menu give on/off preferences for saving various features in to a registration.(which as I say I have selected but pianist/octave etc wont save)

Once again AJ any help you give us here is appreciated and I speak for myself when I say it is not taken for granted

Thank you.... JDX.