Yes had a PA2X Pro, lots of trouble with the early model freezing and LEDS blowing so reverted to a yamaha T3, what I am saying is that the Manufacturers build with the drip feed in mind, ie dont make all the sounds SA2 and SA1, we want the purchaser to spend lots more with us. Thats ok, and would be if one did not replace the hardware every couple of years to stay up with the newer features that they release.

I still hold out hope that Ketron can get the Audya right and get the price down to a reasonable level, as it may be an answer to the question, but also as you commented Diki, Casio should come on board with this, change the name to anything else, develop and so on, what a winner, I dont care who makes it, as long as it soundsd great, was durable, has the features, and the upgradability to go with it/