Originally posted by Diki:
Me, I prefer the experience of PLAYING

And, it's not a 'little cause', it's a philosophy. Find your inspiration in what YOU do, not some third party supplied technology, and you'll be free of the NEED for constant updates.

Free at last, free at last...

I prefer the experience of playing what I buy...I'm not going to buy something I won't use, or won't enjoy.

I still have the choice...that's freedom.

This "philosophy" of yours is nothing new...in fact, these ideas were probably tossed around when the first caveman started selling stone axes that had a little different shape than the earlier ones.

We all like improvements, incremental or otherwise, and if we decide they are enough to buy a new item, then we've exercised our freedom of choice.

I'm sure I could have done fine keeping my S900, but I just happened to really like the SA Organ sounds on the S910...I liked my PSR-3000, but I liked the SA Sax and Guitar on the S900.

Am I wrong? Of course not.

Are you wrong in keeping your old G-70? Of course not....you're happy with enough of it to get buy.

Thing is, your "philosophy" is not for everyone, as idealistic as you feel it is...you like to be frugal, and that's a wonderful way to be, if it makes you feel content.

But there are just as many of us who feel that life is short, so why not have exactly what we want...now. That's a "philosophy" too.

Your way is okay...but, I kind of like mine more.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.