Originally posted by FransN:
Because it doesn't sell. If I buy a Dell PC or labtop with good master keyboard and load the best VST's and arranger sofwares in it I have the same and cheaper. Or I use my PA500 with the labtop so I have great styles combined with the VST's and so on.
and how are you going to map all the keys or buttons to control the VST's?
and how are you going to connect all of them?
and how will you seamlessly transfer from one to the other, remembering Windows can have only 1 ONE VST host running at a time?
I know the answers to these, but do you?
And there are a few more operational hurdles to to overcome in running a system smoothly, and in a live situation, such as you describe.
It is certainly NOT just a Linux system with keys...Just as the Openlabs systems are NOT just Windows with keys.
Please do not make such judgments on systems you obviously have no knowledge about.
It is no where near as simplistic as your simplistic and facile comments suggest.