Originally posted by Irishacts:
Sure we do, and it will never end. Technology waits for no man. You either keep up or give up. Progress will all happen regardless.

The Open Keyboard will likely be the savour of the Arranger in the distant future. It's the only thing to come a long since the invention of the Arranger that puts the youth, fun and real world we live in back into the keyboards on a big way.

Your fear of it is the same as Diki and others. If it simply had 200+ styles straight out of the box ready to go you would likely be either the proud owner of one already, or a potential buyer.

Sadly it doesn't come that way so if your not able to tweak styles yourself then there's not a lot you can do other than to sit on the sidelines and wait until KORG or someone else brings an Open Arranger to the market with optimised styles. You can bet they will too but you will have to wait because there is plenty life left in closed arrangers still.


I am not afraid James.
Even if I tweak the styles the MS still haven't the great Korg or Yamaha sounds in it. And I like tweaking. I do it all the time on my Korg PA500 and he sounds much better then I have heard on the MS. I also don't think it is the future. People like simplicity.