thats not fair James. The argument would be settled if there was just one Mediastation demo that sounded equal to a closed system arranger. Just one ...... Everyone wants to hear it including diki (especially Diki) and me and others. The absence of just one MS arranger style demo that even simply equalled a similar style on a closed arranger instrument would end the argument. The MS is capabable of it. We ALL know this but why is there no evidence that it HAS been done ? And i have no axe to grind against the MS. The real sad truth is that 6 maybe 7 years on we are still talking about the MS's alledged superiority and debating it until someone posts up a style done on the MS and then we are all left scratching our heads wondering
' is that it ??? you gotta be kidding me right ?'
I want to be a believer and i am easily converted just show me a style better than the original. Is that too much to ask ?