Possibly there's enough content for many people, but let's face it James... even YOUR demos have used third party sounds, not just your own but converted Akai disks, etc.

Correct, but not for the reasons your thinking.

I use third party sounds is because I already own a very large collection of award winning libraries that I've purchased over many years of working with AKAI Samplers.

It's totally logical. Why would I use Lionstracs very good uilleann pipe sound for example when I can call up my “award winning” uilleann pipe sound from the World Winds library by Dirk Campbell.

I do the same with my OASYS and every other keyboard I've ever owned since I've started using AKAI Samplers and building up my library of sounds. If I buy an award winning library that has better sounds than any other keyboard I own, it only logical that I'm going to use those sounds over anything else.

You can't argue with that

As James showed a while back, ANY sampler, with a good library, can make excellent music, and has been doing it for a long time. Perhaps some of our members haven't really kept up with this end of things, and all I was trying to point out was simply that. The demo was good, no doubt about it. But not exactly groundbreaking, in the long run...

Yes, but I had to go to great lengths to do what I did back then as my S5000 maxed out with RAM still only stands at 256MB and there is a considerable loading time to even get that data to memory.

Now on the other hand with my Mediastation I can load GB of data in seconds. Imagine what I will do with that considering what I used to be able to do with just a Triton Studio and an AKAI Sampler.
