Originally posted by spalding1968:
i think the kind of close working community that the MS owners are developing is truly admirable and the contribution that i see coming from AFG ,Miden and Irish Acts is fantastic. Dom seems to be very responsive to the requests for changes to the OS of the MS and seems to be now listening to the needs of his customers when in the past that was not so apparent. What is painfully obvious is that Dom needs help. Someone like James to give expertise from a users point of view rather than as a programmer although its clear he has those skills two. But there has to be some caution excercised here. what concerns me is that whilst the cooeration amongst the MS community is quite good , it relies purely on good will and the amount of spare time users have to test and in some cases de bug and adapt software and apply their own programming skills to help the manufacturer produce a product that is fit for its purpose.Whilst this is a benefit to those potential MS users that dont have the high level programming skills, what happens when James buiness ventures pic up again and he is too busy to assist ?
How then can a user explain the problems they may encounter to Dom if they dont understand the high level of programming knowledge demontstrated so far that has led to the advances the MS has made even in the last 4 months ?
This is exactly what mediastation needs most.. People that beleive in the system and start developing for it. People like James and Helmut.
Linux is a community thing, based on a lot of people that help build it just because that is what they love to do. And exactly this is what i hope to see in the future of lionstracs. James with his free LSCP GEN i hopefully just a beginning. PEople creating stuff and sharing it is a noble thing in this world and exactly this is what should make mediastation instruments rise above all others.
Dom listens to the community ever since i met him overehere and kept listening and improving. And now finally the reslut of his effords is there. An instrument that many can appreciate and from now should only get better and better.
Tough everyone should realise that a continuing development process like this is allways two steps forward one step back and part of the success will be dependent on how quick Dom can repair the "Step backwards"