Oldschool - wrong again ! The first synthesizer called the Musical telegraph was made in 1876 . It was an instrument that created sine waves electronically . The Telharmonium was made in 1897 , a huge synthesizer that was to be copied by Laurens Hammond but on a much smaller scale with his organs in the 1930s. Electronic Music , that is creating tones electronically is far older than the 1960s . The first ALL electronic music score for a movie was done in 1956 for the FORBIDDEN PLANET . All of the music for that movie was done by Louis and Bebe Barron and was done on electronic instruments that they built themselves . I have a 1939 Recording of John Cage's " Imaginary Landscapes #1 " using the Theremin and other electronic gear . I have early Japanese tape music from the late 40s and early 50s ( music concrete ) . E'TUDE AUX CHEMINS DE FER by Pierre Schaffer in 1948 ( tape music - music concrete ) . Piece for Tape Recorder by Vladimir Ussachevsky in 1956 . Those first synthesizers in the late 1800s were made before amplifier technology - they were to be broadcast over telephone lines . You are saying the 1960s ?????? What are you thinking ???? I suggest you do A LOT more research before any more babble comes from you . If you learned that in School , I suggest you get a refund - it was money well waisted . I sorry to be so harsh but I have little tolerance for such a LACK of knowledge on the history of ELECTRONIC MUSIC . Especially when it is the SINGLE most important advancement in music in the last 200 years . 1960s , what the hell were you thinking ??????????????????????