. . . oh, and as to my useless degrees - BA and two years of graduate work in music theory and composition, with a side-long glance at viola performance. It was really quite worth the very slim money I paid for it (state universities were really pretty cheap when I was young), but it did not include electronic music specifically. The University of North Texas, where I did my abortive graduate work, had a very active electronic lab of which I never darkened the door. (My pedagody of theory teacher at UNT couldn't stand Bartok and Stravinski...you can imagine what he thought of Cage.)

All of my dabbling in the craft of electronic music has been in the last 4 years, and is as much a result of my current "day job" focus of computer multimedia (I'm a K-12 technology resource teacher) blended with an odd-lot of songwriting from my club days in the 70's, as any exposure to the historical roots of electronic music.
"The problem with the world is that the ignorant are cock-sure, whereas the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell