I agree...there however is a few things we would like changed/fixed.

Your comment is why I am exicted to see what they will announce must e something special.

If it's just a few styles and sounds...I don't think they woud do a new board...soit must be cool.

I am not saying this just beause I have one...but MANY people way underestimate the PA2XPRO..not just the sound, but if time is taken to read through the manuals (4)(450 pages) (including advanced edit, and V2 (DNC) and songbook editor etc). you would be amazed at the capabilities. There is a lot in that box!

Also, a big deal...the UI is EASY and not hard to not have any idea why peple say the opposite. Many 2 button (shift + 1 button) shortcuts that take you right to the needed option.

Lee S.
Lee S.