Originally posted by ianmcnll:
Well, now that Roland is out of the picture, maybe a few stores will bring in a Korg arranger or two....hopefully.

LOL... Personally, as poor a job of selling the quite excellent Roland G and E series arrangers as those stores did, I would imagine that Korg wouldn't want to touch THEM with a bargepole!

Roland shifted their arranger line over from MI stores that know about electronics, to CK stores that basically wanted to sell you a piano, and hadn't got a clue how to show a complex modern arranger. That, combined with not even MAKING them carry the line in store at most locations led to the demise of Roland in the US. They had good product, but no-one could find it, and no-one could show it, and no-one was interested in selling it (you make a heck of a site more selling a KR piano than an E60!)...

Let's hope Korg DON'T take a leaf out of this playbook!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!