Originally posted by Diki:
What percentage of sales was OMB's? You are quick enough to discount their impact when they ask for OMB needed features. If the weight of a Clavinova or KR type keyboard is not enough to prevent a sale, why is the MUCH lighter G70 going to be penalized..?

I agree that Roland marketed the G and E series ineffectually. But, if Roland HAD have promoted and supported the arrangers with as effective a program as Yamaha did, do you honestly think they STILL wouldn't sell?

Many OMB's I sell PSR to, are guitar players who want to record their own SMF at home on a keyboard, and have something light enough to take to a gig for playback.

Plus, some do play keyboard as well in their act.

We had one store where the salesguy, a good buddy of mine, was a Roland enthusiast, and I actually helped him with the arrangers, on my own time.

He really liked the G-70 a lot.

He said once someone lifted the G-70, and realized how heavy and awkward it would be in a case, they went for a PSR...plus, it didn't have speakers.

Home buyers thought it was too "pro" and pro buyers don't buy arrangers.

Roland did not support the product in my territory...now, it may have been different elsewhere, but, for the most part, they did nothing.

If they had a clinician to showcase the instruments, I'm sure even the G-70 would have done well (if you added/included a nice speaker package), and the E-80 equally so...mainly to "home players" mind you, but to most customers, these instruments were a mystery.

It's a shame, but it's basically the company's fault...my territory is one of the better "arranger" markets.

You have to generate excitemnt, and show support to sell these instruments...having one salesguy, who you see everyday, doesn't quite do it.

You have to bring in someone new, invite clients, serve refreshments, have fun...that's what works.

Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.