Originally Posted By: Diki

Scott... do you actually PLAY with the iPad like that? How do you get to the T4's screen, or see what is going on?

YES! Of course I do. cool I don't need to see the T4's LCD screen while playing a song because the song's settings are accessed via REG (1-8) buttons.
I'm able to, whenever I want, simply pick the iPad up with one hand and set it next to me between songs, or simply leave it sitting next me until I need it again. It's very convenient and handy to call upon if/when needed.

In addition to the iPad, when I don't require a lead sheet music, I've also got 100's of lyric/chord files (.txt)I that I've got linked to song REGS (1-8) which automatically appear on the T4 LCD screen when performing those songs. All the while, from the audience vantage point, there's no onstage music stand or laptop to distract from the performance.