so how do you set it up so that every element of each style substitutes the factory sound with one of the sounds on the VST ? When i change styles will it automatically remap every sound within the style to an appropriate VST or will i have to do that each and every time i change style or variation ? Will it use a similar vel;ocity curve as the factory based one so sounds dont jump out because the voulmes are wrong or woul i have to adjust all of that too ? What about one touch setting ? can they all be recorded and saved so that i can just press one button and all the remapped sounds are recalled instantly.What about my song book ? All the songs with all the settings that i have stored over the years would i have to remapp all of theose too and would they be saved ?

It might be worth the work but those demos dont convince me it would

In other words can i still use the mid range arranger as an arranger in a live play situation utilising the better sounds of the VST for each and every style ?