ok Bill, talk me through how this would work as i might just go and buy something this weekend just as an experiment .

I have my PA1X a lap top and some midi cables. I know how to save internal sounds on my keyboard and one touch settings and of course entries in my song book all because they are internally referenced within the keyboard itself.

Talk me through the steps of how my keyboard would save all the addresses of all the sounds i have used in each and every style lets say just 30 styles all user based with sounds emanating from a VSt. How does my keyboard recognise the sounds are comimng from an external sound source (laptop ) from a VST source and reconxile that with my song book each time i switch it on ?

If you can explain it in a way that is simple english Bill i will buy into the idea and see how it would work for me.

I know that Dom tried to do this with the Mediastaion and it was a massive technological headache and when he provided an example it didnt rock anybody's world but i am willing to have a go.