
When you reprogram any style with new sounds on your PA1x you have to save it as a new user style, otherwise you would need to change the sounds every time you selected it. The only difference with the VST is that the mapping for the VST would be saved in the style instead of an internal sound.

The same applies to one touch settings etc.

Dynamics, volume, etc

You would set the global parameters of the VST to match your keyboard settings, and then save it as the default setting in the VST.

You would save the sounds of the VST in banks for instant recall, just as you do with your PA1x.

Yes there will be work, in exactly the same way as you have to work when creating something new on your PA1x.

Remember if you upgraded to a PA3x you would also have to change all your current settings to make use of the new features and sounds or it would still sound like PA1x

Hope this clarifies things.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).