Originally Posted By: 124
Nice, but I'm not as impressed as you are, Henni. Can we hear some full-on styles being played over by someone with a good right hand (not a factory-assembled piece, either) please, much as we'd expect to hear in a live gig setting? Can anyone point us to some demos of that order, please?

Hi 124,

As far as a "good" right hand is concerned, I unfortunately cannot comply.

However, I've put something together for you. Listen to how I contol fill ins by pressing just a tad higher on my right hand. Also listen how everything changes right at the end of the tune by me simply playing a little more violently with my right hand.

If you want, you can also listen here and/or even here

I play ONLY Gospel & I make no excuse for it.

Keep well my friend,

Make sure you'll fly forever!