Hi Tony,
Thank you my friend - they were done with me sitting in a recliner, Audya casually on my lap & Monica standing in front of me with the microphone. I never realized recordings could be so easy & what you hear is what you record - AWESOME!!! We are not interested in studio like recordings, but rather in recording live as if we perform in real life.
Yes, controlling the style based on how you play is really an AWESOME feature. But it does take a lot of practice to use correctly. I'm trying to do just that. So far I can control drum fills with my right hand anytime I want - this alone is AWESOME!!!
Now I must learn to control those live guitars in a realistic way. In my example, it's way overdone, but I did it just to show that it can be done.
On most of the styles, the effect is much more mild, what I mean it will change into a strum at more or less the same sound level. This I like as I find this very easy to control.
My AJAMSONIC upgrade will be delivered soon. That includes a new auto guitar strumming feature that can be controlled by playing a chord plus one extra key. I'm really looking forward to this. Plus many of the new styles will come in 32 measures, which makes everything sound even more natural.
I'm still blown away by my Audya on a daily basis, & just about everyday I discover a new & neat feature that makes it even more unique. There are a great deal of features on it which are not overly discussed and as such not even known to many of it's owners. That's why AJ's tutorial video is an absolute MUST have for me!
Yamaha blows every little thing they do right out of proportion as if it's a MAJOR breakthrough - I find Ketron to be just the opposite in this regard.
Buying the Audya was certainly one of the best decisions I've yet made in my life. I have NO regrets whatsoever. There is really nothing about it that anoys me, not even in the least. I find the operating system so user friendly & easy to use and what can be done onboard with the styles is just amazing!!!
@Machetero: Thank you for your kind feedback. We are not even cose to being pro's, but we really enjoy what we do. And I enjoy sharing these with others, although not too many are interested or impressed by our genre of music. However, to us this is a lifestyle and a passion which brings us much joy & much fulfillment.
Keep well my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!