Well Chas,

I think you know for sure that a thread can no longer be modified after a few minutes only. If that was not so, I would gladly change the topic header to something more appropriate.

As for moving it over to the Ketron forum, I think now you are really throwing your toys out of your cot!

Nigel, if you want you can maybe change to something like: "Interesting facts about the Audya" or something to that effect. You choose anything less offensive.

As for me: Quite a few will testify that they've purchased Audyas and even AJAMSONIC upgrades based on the facts that I've listed over here. Not one of those has any regrets for doing so. And no, I received no commission or special favours for doing so. I do it purely because I believe in these products.

So, to the original complaintiff: what have you achieved lately over here? Some have nothing of value to say, but they go ahead & say it anyway... Let me rather stop here now. I also have a nasty side to me if I'm provoked enough.

Make sure you'll fly forever!