Well, bottom line is, a non-touch screen keyboard can get the job DONE... but so slowly, it is hard to get to much on stage in a hurry.

And that's the main thing for me.

I cannot understand why Roland went backwards (even though I should be used to it by now!) and went to non-touch screens. I can get to the most arcane settings in no more than one or two screen button pushes on my G70. The BK-7m (and by extension, all of the BK's) you need to go through a ton of scrolling, button pushing, more scrolling, more buttons ad infinitum to get to things that are day to day stuff!

I guess it only took Roland 12 or so years to realize dropping the CS was a bad idea... maybe they can rectify this a bit faster? LOL
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!