I fount the Kronos touchscreen VERY difficult to use accurately apart form the simplified Registration Select screen. Although the screen is much larger than any arranger screen, Korg try to cram in a LOT of stuff on each page, and the small font size makes text selection (sounds from a list, for instance) quite difficult to do even under non-stage use, and in the heat of battle, VERY difficult to use with any serious degree of confidence.

The Kronos division would be well advised to take a good look at the PA3x's layout. Or even Roland's G/E series. Utterly reliable (at least the Roland is, my friend's PA3x is less so, but that may simply be him abusing the keyboard by transporting it without a case!) and VERY difficult to hit the wrong button in the heat of gigging.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!