Russ, getting old is for the birds but it’s coming for all of us. Now we get to use our years and our wisdom to overcome, do without, or find a new exciting way to get where you want to be.
To quote one of our members, “If you have music in you it will find its way out.

Playing and performing music is one of the careers that men hold onto, even at my age. At 81 I am still finding ways to enjoy my music; I still spend days working on my performance preparing for the next job which may or may not come.

Russ, the little I know of you tells me you’re hurting but don’t get in your way. Keep us posted and let us know how you’re wining your battle.

Your friend, John C.

Ya think ya got problems Russ -- you’re a guitar player so you will understand this. When I place my 2nd finger on the fret board of my guitar it hits the wrong fret because it is starting the finger is starting to turn toward my 1st finger. Forget about my 4th finger ouch!(Pinky) I bought two new guitars lowered the action – and I’m back playing again. But never as before; this I must accept. But I’m playing.