Gary... let's be honest. For starters, even my G70's action isn't 'weighted'. And the BK-9 is lighter than that! None of these things comes even CLOSE to a piano's weight. They are all 'synth' or 'organ' weight actions.
It's got nothing to do with the weight. It is about the crispness, about the quality of construction (lack of 'wobble'), and it is about how it FEELS when you hit the bottom of the travel. There is NO FEEL at all on the PSR's. You might as well be playing a toy (I've played better toys!). I have a friend with an S950. He played my BK-9. He HATES his S950's action (and he didn't like it to start with!)!
I tell you what... I guarantee, if they replaced your PSR's action with a BK-9's (in 61 size), you would LOVE it! It weighs no more than you already have, it is simply crisper, less spongy, and makes you feel like you are playing something you paid $2000 for, not $500. Keep telling yourself what you like, but until you have played one, don't tell me you like yours better. You need to TRY one before you can say that.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!