Originally Posted By: Diki

Take Ian. For YEARS he defended that PSR action while he had one. But now he has a Tyros4 with its much better, crisper action, he is finally admitting he really likes it. After saying the exact opposite for the longest time. What changed? Only his ownership... The action on the T4 (similar to most decent arrangers) is still the same.

Hey, what changed was my mind, and I do reserve the right to do that at any time...you managed to change your opinions of lighter no aftertouch actions and non-touch screens when the BK-9 came out (and, of course you bought one) so I'm allowed at least a little leniency...okay?

I don't think that makes us both hypocrites, now, does it? I know I feel very comfortable with my decision.

The only Tyros I didn't fussy was the Tyros1, which used a completely different action (with aftertouch) than the subsequent FSX models...it was also not made in Japan. Some people liked it...I didn't.

I have always liked the PSR action, which is why I considered buying an S910, but having the aftertouch, and all the other neat features (plus the better d/a converters, sounds, etc.) of the Tyros4 at a very lucrative price sealed the deal immediately. I did find it a change going to the semi-weighted T4 action after playing the PSR, but, hey, like you, I can adapt, especially considering the rewards...and yes, now I like it...a lot!

However, if anyone does not like PSR action, that is not my problem, nor do I intend to try and convince anyone else to change their feelings towards it if it doesn't meet their needs. I happen to like it, as do many here on SZ. It is smooth, fast, and very reliable...it's not going to be changed as far as I know.

So, don't worry about us happy Yamaha users...if you haven't noticed, we've survived very well...thank you very much.


PS...all kidding aside, I'm very grateful that I was able to get the Tyros4...it's a beauty of an arranger, and I am thoroughly enjoying digging deep into it's wonderful features, and now, being retired with lots of time, I can really enjoy just playing for pure personal enjoyment. No plans for gigging as of now, unless someone has lotsa $$$$ to tempt me.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.