As I was playing my New Year set at a retirrement residence, a man came toward me from a rear entrance to the room. I smiled and said, "HI," expecting him to want to sing or ask for a song. He took his hand and covered the entire top octave of the keyboard and sternly said, "This is mine!"

Holy crap. I continued playing and tried lifting his hand from the keyboard; it was solidly there. I grabbed his wrist and got him to lift his hand off the board. He continued to stand next to me. Then he did one of those 'I'm gonna tickle the ivories' moves, played a few random keys, turned around and left.

Who would ever think some krazie guy would invade your space at a retirement home on New Year's Eve? It was certinly an event for me. Plus, it was my first time playing at this location. All in all, most of the residents didn't even realize anything happened. We all had a great time; I played extra time and even got the AD and a few residents up to dance and sing...

Happy New Year, Everyone.

Edited by cassp (12/31/13 03:17 PM)
Riding on the Avenue of Time