I could watch Marco Parisi play a Korg Arranger all day and all night. That's because he's a great musician that is exciting to watch. My problem is that I don't see ANYONE ELSE playing an Arranger KB that way......proving once again that it's the keyboardist, not the keyboard. I'll go out on a limb here and say that I don't believe that the average Arranger player has the same level of musical competence as say, his solo piano playing counterpart. That's because it takes less time and training to produce an acceptable product for public consumption. BUT.....and this is my opinion only, like bread-machine bread and bread made the 'old fashioned' way, there is a difference in quality. Nothing really wrong with the 'bread-machine' bread, it just doesn't hack it for me (and a lot of other people). Compound that by using a pre-packaged bread-machine mix, and now I'm REALLY turned off.

I think Russ has it summed up perfectly, "an arranger used at a tool, not a crutch is a good thing". As an instrument, aside from being grossly overpriced, it's no better or worse than any other. It's HOW it's normally used (and by whom) that draws the criticism. The fact that you see so few in professional venues speaks volumes (as far as what MUSICIANS think of them; audiences, particularly today's audiences, tend to be less critical (conditioned as they have become to 'live music' alternatives).

Just my opinion, of course. Love my BK7m/drum machine for practice, rehearsal, and personal fun. For one thing, it makes you much more disciplined with keeping in time.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]